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Download Progress Bar Android: How to Use the DownloadManager and ProgressBar Classes


Download Progress Bar Android: How to Show the Downloading Status of Your App

If you are developing an Android app that involves downloading files from the internet, you might want to show the user how much progress has been made and how long it will take to complete the download. This can improve the user experience and prevent frustration or confusion. In this article, we will show you how to implement a download progress bar in Android using two different methods: the built-in ProgressBar widget and a custom circular progress indicator library.

download progress bar android


What is a download progress bar?

A download progress bar is a graphical element that displays the percentage or amount of data that has been downloaded from a server or a website. It usually consists of a horizontal or circular bar that fills up as the download progresses, and optionally a text label that shows the numerical value or the estimated time remaining. A download progress bar can also have different colors or styles to indicate the status of the download, such as success, failure, or pause.

Why do you need a download progress bar?

A download progress bar can provide several benefits for your app and your users, such as:

  • It can inform the user about the current state of the download, such as how much data has been downloaded, how fast the download is, and how long it will take to finish.

  • It can enhance the user interface and make it more attractive and professional.

  • It can increase the user engagement and retention by creating a sense of anticipation and satisfaction.

  • It can prevent the user from canceling or quitting the app due to impatience or uncertainty.

How to implement a download progress bar in Android

Using the built-in ProgressBar widget

One way to implement a download progress bar in Android is to use the ProgressBar widget that is provided by the Android framework. The ProgressBar widget is a simple and flexible component that can display either a horizontal or a circular progress bar. You can customize its appearance and behavior by using various attributes and methods.

XML layout

To use the ProgressBar widget in your app, you need to add it to your XML layout file. For example, you can use the following code to create a horizontal progress bar with an id of "progress_bar", a width of "match_parent", a height of "wrap_content", a margin of "10dp", and a tint color of "#FF0000". You can also set the style attribute to "@android:style/Widget.Holo.Light.ProgressBar.Horizontal" to use the default horizontal style.

<ProgressBar android:id="@+id/progress_bar" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_margin="10dp" android:progressTint="#FF0000" style="@android:style/Widget.Holo.Light.ProgressBar.Horizontal"/>

Java code

To update the progress bar in your Java code, you need to get a reference to it by using the findViewById() method. For example, you can use the following code to declare a ProgressBar variable named "mProgressBar" and assign it to the progress bar with an id of "progress_bar".

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ProgressBar mProgressBar = (ProgressBar) findViewById(;

To set or get the current progress value of the progress bar, you can use the setProgress() or getProgress() method. For example, you can use the following code to set the progress value to 50 (out of 100) or get the current progress value.mProgressBar.setProgress(50); int progress = mProgressBar.getProgress();

To set or get the maximum progress value of the progress bar, you can use the setMax() or getMax() method. For example, you can use the following code to set the maximum progress value to 200 or get the current maximum value.

mProgressBar.setMax(200); int max = mProgressBar.getMax();

To show or hide the progress bar, you can use the setVisibility() method with either View.VISIBLE or View.GONE as the parameter. For example, you can use the following code to show or hide the progress bar.

mProgressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mProgressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE);

Using a custom circular progress indicator library

Another way to implement a download progress bar in Android is to use a custom circular progress indicator library that offers more features and customization options than the built-in ProgressBar widget. One such library is Circular Progress Indicator by Anton Popoff, which is available on GitHub. This library allows you to create a circular progress bar with various styles, colors, animations, and text formats.

Gradle dependency

To use this library in your app, you need to add it as a dependency in your app's build.gradle file. For example, you can use the following code to add the latest version of the library as of June 2021.

dependencies implementation 'com.github.antonpopoff:circular-progress-indicator:1.3.0'

XML layout

To use the circular progress indicator in your app, you need to add it to your XML layout file. For example, you can use the following code to create a circular progress indicator with an id of "circular_progress", a width and height of "200dp", a margin of "10dp", a progress color of "#FF0000", a background color of "#EEEEEE", a text color of "#000000", a text size of "20sp", and a text format of "percent". You can also set the app:cpiStyle attribute to "fill" to use the fill style.

<com.antonpopoff.circularprogressindicator.CircularProgressIndicator android:id="@+id/circular_progress" android:layout_width="200dp" android:layout_height="200dp" android:layout_margin="10dp" app:cpiProgressColor="#FF0000" app:cpiBackgroundColor="#EEEEEE" app:cpiTextColor="#000000" app:cpiTextSize="20sp" app:cpiTextFormat="percent" app:cpiStyle="fill"/>

Java code

To update the circular progress indicator in your Java code, you need to get a reference to it by using the findViewById() method. For example, you can use the following code to declare a CircularProgressIndicator variable named "mCircularProgress" and assign it to the circular progress indicator with an id of "circular_progress".

CircularProgressIndicator mCircularProgress = (CircularProgressIndicator) findViewById(;

To set or get the current progress value of the circular progress indicator, you can use the setCurrent() or getCurrent() method. For example, you can use the following code to set the progress value to 50 (out of 100) or get the current progress value.

mCircularProgress.setCurrent(50); float progress = mCircularProgress.getCurrent();

To set or get the maximum progress value of the circular progress indicator, you can use the setMax() or getMax() method. For example, you can use the following code to set the maximum progress value to 200 or get the current maximum value.

mCircularProgress.setMax(200); float max = mCircularProgress.getMax();

To show or hide the text label of the circular progress indicator, you can use the setShowText() or isShowingText() method. For example, you can use the following code to show or hide the text label.

mCircularProgress.setShowText(true); boolean showText = mCircularProgress.isShowingText();


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have learned how to implement a download progress bar in Android using two different methods: the built-in ProgressBar widget and a custom circular progress indicator library. We have seen how to customize their appearance and behavior by using various attributes and methods. We have also learned how a download progress bar can improve the user experience and prevent frustration or confusion. We have also learned how to use the ProgressBar widget and the Circular Progress Indicator library in our XML layout and Java code.

Call to action

If you want to learn more about how to create a download progress bar in Android, you can check out the following resources:

  • [The official documentation of the ProgressBar widget]

  • [The GitHub repository of the Circular Progress Indicator library]

  • [A tutorial on how to create a custom progress bar in Android]

We hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. And don't forget to share this article with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in learning how to create a download progress bar in Android. Thank you for reading!


What is the difference between a progress bar and a progress dialog?

A progress bar is a graphical element that displays the progress of a task within the app's user interface, while a progress dialog is a pop-up window that shows the progress of a task outside the app's user interface. A progress dialog usually has a title, a message, and optionally a cancel button. A progress dialog can be either modal or non-modal, meaning that it can block or allow user interaction with the app while it is shown.

How can I animate the progress bar?

You can animate the progress bar by using the setIndeterminate() method with a boolean parameter. If you set it to true, the progress bar will show an indeterminate animation that does not reflect the actual progress value. This can be useful when you don't know the exact duration or amount of the task. If you set it to false, the progress bar will show a determinate animation that reflects the actual progress value.

How can I change the color of the progress bar?

You can change the color of the progress bar by using the setProgressTintList() method with a ColorStateList parameter. This method allows you to specify different colors for different states of the progress bar, such as normal, active, or disabled. You can also use the setProgressTintMode() method with a PorterDuff.Mode parameter to specify how the tint color is applied to the progress bar.

How can I add text to the circular progress indicator?

You can add text to the circular progress indicator by using the setText() method with a String parameter. This method allows you to set any text you want to display inside the circular progress indicator. You can also use the setTextFormat() method with an enum parameter to specify how the text is formatted, such as percent, fraction, or none.

How can I customize the style of the circular progress indicator?

You can customize the style of the circular progress indicator by using various attributes and methods provided by the library. For example, you can use the setCpiStyle() method with an enum parameter to choose between different styles, such as fill, stroke, or dash. You can also use attributes such as cpiStrokeWidth, cpiDashWidth, cpiDashGap, cpiStartAngle, cpiSweepAngle, cpiAnimationDuration, and cpiAnimationInterpolator to adjust other aspects of the circular progress indicator. 44f88ac181

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